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Style in a new way
Skins and walls from Ron Meijer
Styl-X Design is back online!
Bigger, better, back.
Published on December 10, 2004 By
Styl-X Design
WinCustomize News
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After a long time Styl-X Design is back with version 3. Everyone here will probably remember the skindicate incident. Thats no longer, its now Styl-X Design (again
) Please let me know what you think of the new site!
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Styl-X Design is back online!
on Dec 10, 2004
Nice WB skins....!!>!.....where can I buy them???
on Dec 10, 2004
I was thinking the same thing also dhaval. Very nice site styl-x. Are the windowblinds for download, and if so where can we get them?
on Dec 11, 2004
the new site looks good..its kinda like a tease though..seein all that great stuff and no way of gettin it..
anonymous (Anonymous User)
on Dec 11, 2004
Nice site but a few things. I believe it is "Stand out from the crowd"
A spell check might be in order too. "Usabilitie and dasn't", are not words.
Styl-X Design
on Dec 11, 2004
Thanks for the great comments. The skins are already done but were private until now. We will start uploading skins in the next few days when we get all things set with the clients.
Thanks again
on Dec 11, 2004
"Stand out FROM the crowd" ....the thing is to get-it-right....just like spelling correctly....
on Dec 11, 2004
Ron, your "DT Development" WB skin is a cheap knock-off of my Obsidian DFX skin:
I'm insisting that you remove that skin from your portfolio and cease distributing it. I'm only giving you a few days to comply before I take more serious measures. It would be in your best interest to inform this particular client, "DT Development", and explain the situation before I notify them. It's appalling that you would sell a rip-off to your clients.
on Dec 11, 2004
Using the links provided by rpeterclark in the message above, it sure does appear that his accusations do have merit....
Examining the upper right of the both windows shows it's almost a pixel by pixel perfect match. But the rest of the skin pales in comparison to rpeterclark's DFX skin.
on Dec 11, 2004
I don't do graphics, so I'd say I've an unbiased eye/opinion, and I gotta concur with rpc & sos. That skin is *awfully* similar to rpc's ...
Styl-X Design
on Dec 11, 2004
Ok, thing is removed for the time being, if you want I can give out contact info. I am personaly not aware of your work but it das indeed look close.
on Dec 11, 2004
Thanks for the quick response, we'll continue this via email.
Styl-X Design
on Dec 11, 2004
and jafo, I know, just like doing things my way... the dutch way
besides, I am selling designs, not a spelling checking software.
on Dec 11, 2004
It's just that 'stand out OF the crowd' is how an outcast/exile/leper ends up. Probably not the attribute you were hoping to extol....
on Dec 13, 2004
Standing out of the crowd has its merits. It gives one an overview of where the herd is headed and what it's doing instead of blindly following it.
Site's not too shabby. Graphics look good, textual part needs some work (something few skinners seem to understand, so don't worry). Perhaps you should give your header and footer a light grey background instead of this glaring white. Should help distinguish blocks better and give it more "structure".
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